American Legion – Harvey T. Rimel Post 141

American Legion – Harvey T. Rimel Post 141

American Legion – Harvey T. Rimel Post 141

Brian Ring, Sr., Adjutant

The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary meets the first Thursday of each month. A free will Donation supper is served buffet style at 1830 and both meetings start at 1930. All Veterans welcome. Businesses can coordinate speaking time in front of the membership with Amy Muse, Sgt of Arms, at (785)-341-8672 or The Legion Riders meet on the last Wednesday of each month with the meeting starting at 1830. All Veterans welcome. Please call the Facility Manager, Dick Davis at 712-527-9527, or email for information on facility rental and current rented events. The American Legion is a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization with great political influence perpetuated by its grass-roots involvement s in the legislation process. Legionnaires' sense of obligation to their community, state, and Nation drives an honest advocacy for veterans in Washington. Please see our Facebook page @glenwoodlegion

Contact Information

104 N. Vine St., Glenwood, IA
Zip/Post Code