Schildberg Construction

Schildberg Construction

Schildberg Construction

Seth Wise

Schildberg Construction Company began as a small, family-owned operation, founded in 1937 by E.F. Schildberg of Greenfield, Iowa. Over the past 80-plus years, we have expand­ed, pro­duc­ing qual­i­ty aggre­gate mate­r­i­al for South­west Iowa and South Cen­tral Iowa, as well as North­west Mis­souri. These aggre­gate mate­ri­als range from agri­cul­tur­al lime­stone to crushed rock for road maintenance. While the com­pa­ny has grown into a large and wide­spread oper­a­tion, we have remained a fam­i­ly firm in more ways than one — and that may be one of the keys to our long-term success. Located outside of Malvern, Iowa, this location serves Mills and Fremont counties as well as the Glenwood, Iowa area.

Contact Information

30565 Lytle Ave, Malvern, IA
Zip/Post Code