Mills County Historical Museum

Mills County Historical Museum

Mills County Historical Museum

Stephen Hunt

Your visit to the Mills County Historical Museum in Glenwood, Iowa can take you back more than 150 years when Iowa was being developed with homes, farms, businesses, railroads and schools.Changes in transportation and agriculture can be observed along with the progress of family life through home furnishings and clothing displays. Histories of the county’s communities, including Glenwood, Malvern, Mineola, Pacific Junction, Hastings, Emerson, Henderson and Silver City can be visited. Seven historical buildings from Mills County, Iowa are available for touring. The main museum has undergone recent remodeling and includes two floors of displays. The Mills County Historical Museum is home to the largest display of Prehistoric Native American Artifacts in the state of Iowa. Outbuildings include a reconstructed peg barn, community jail, relocated outhouse, rural one-room schoolhouse, a large machinery hall and a Burlington caboose.

Contact Information

Glenwood Lake Park, P.O Box 255, Glenwood, IA
Zip/Post Code