Last week we hosted our annual board retreat. This is a time once a year that we dedicate a day to really dive into our strategic plan and determine if we are on track. 2019 and 2020 provide obstacles that caused each of us to grow and stretch when we most likely did not want to. For me personally, it made me take a hard look at the vision I came into this role with and question if it was still even feasible. At our board retreat we asked each board member what they felt the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce was. Answers were given that described the Chamber as the glue that holds the business community together; the tide that raises all ships; the central hub for providing information, getting information and guiding that information; the leader for the collective vision of the business community.
Each of these answers pointed directly to the vision that I came into this role with. To build a unified Mills County Business Community, that would promote growth. It is incredibly easy to get stuck in the day to day of these hard years and forget that there is a greater goal. And I think I needed that retreat to realign with the vision. As a business community we may not always agree on the steps to take to get to where we want to be. We may not think that decisions that each of us make align with that vision. But we can agree that we are all working towards the end goal of building a Mills County where businesses thrive. If this is something you can agree with, I encourage you to reach out. Let’s talk. It is only by all of us joining together and working together can we really start to create change in our communities and come back stronger than ever.
Some other things of note that are upcoming:
Topics at Twelve:
Wednesday March 3rd: Jennie Edmundson Methodist Hospital and our local Methodist Health Clinics will be sharing about their programs and services that they offer in our area. Join us at noon online for this great opportunity.
Legislative Forum:
Saturday March 6th: Join us at 10:30am for this hybrid Legislative Forum where we will have the opportunity to chat with David Sieck and Mark Costello.
Board Retreat 2021 ~