Show your Local Love all Year Long!

I pledge to Shop, Eat, and Play locally Mills County!

Choosing to buy local preserves community character and one-of-a-kind businesses, as well as creating jobs & helping to grow our local economy. Take the pledge to love, live and shop locally Mills County.




Somebody asked me the other day how I was doing. Honestly, the world feels heavy right now. We are facing an unprecedented event, where as citizens we are being asked to remain at home or apart to stop the spread of this rapidly growing virus. Businesses are being forced to shut down, or figure out alternative options on how to operate. And apparently toilet paper has become the new currency. All of that feels heavy, right? Here’s the deal with unprecedented events, I believe they provide us an opportunity to look at the status quo and change how we live.

Since moving to Mills County, I have heard time and time again that we are just a bedroom community to the Omaha Metro, and that is very true in some ways. However, what if we allowed this virus to shift our focus and adapt how we do life? To move our world view over and down a little to the community, people, businesses that call Mills County home.  What if we took this current situation to get to know our neighbors through chatting from our respective driveways? What if we took this opportunity to really learn what businesses are in Mills County and use those businesses? I truly believe, that as a community we can handle anything that is thrown our way. We just have to be willing to step up and do what we can to support the community and businesses that help create our home.

We at the Chamber are committing to shopping local in 2020 and beyond. So, we are asking all of you, the residents of Mills County to help us ensure that the businesses we have here, can stay here long after the virus leaves. Will you join us and take the shop local pledge?